Funding Opportunity |
Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management New Mexico/Oklahoma/Kansas/Texas (NM) Invasive and Noxious Management Apply for L21AS00321
Funding Number: L21AS00321
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $100,000 |
Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management Oregon/Washington Invasive and Noxious Management Apply for L21AS00261
Funding Number: L21AS00261
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $450,000 |
Upper Salmon Basin Stream Rehabilitation Project Planning Apply for BOR PN 19 N019
Funding Number: BOR PN 19 N019
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation - Pacific Northwest Region
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Prineville Reservoir Recreation Operations & Maintenance Apply for BOR PN 17 N012
Funding Number: BOR PN 17 N012
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $880,000 |
Three-fold project; provide visitor support through interpretation Apply for P19AS00390
Funding Number: P19AS00390
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $86,000 |
Pacific Islands Area Fiscal Year 2022 Conservation Solutions Through Strategic Partnerships Notice of Funding Opportunity Apply for USDA NRCS HI MULTI 22 NOFO0001171
Funding Number: USDA NRCS HI MULTI 22 NOFO0001171
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Funding Amount: $500,000 |
2020 Preservation Technology and Training Grants Apply for P20AS00028
Funding Number: P20AS00028
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $20,000 |
Collaborative Bat Monitoring across the Western United States Apply for P19AS00377
Funding Number: P19AS00377
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $929,637 |
Vegetation Monitoring Intern for Chihuahuan Desert Parks Apply for P19AS00370
Funding Number: P19AS00370
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $49,769 |
Enhanced or Accelerated implementation of the key conservation objectives Apply for USDA NRCS AL MULTI 19 GEN0010289
Funding Number: USDA NRCS AL MULTI 19 GEN0010289
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Funding Amount: $50,000 |
Cultural Resources Inventory Apply for P19AS00223
Funding Number: P19AS00223
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $71,153 |
Farallon Islands NWR Stewardship and Monitoring Apply for F19AS00141
Funding Number: F19AS00141
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $69,168 |
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Apply for P18AS00323
Funding Number: P18AS00323
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $199,997 |
BLM OR/WA Youth Conservation Opportunities on Public Lands Apply for L18AS00015
Funding Number: L18AS00015
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $2,251,761 |
Grand Canyon National Park Corridor/Rim Trail Maintenanc Apply for NPSNOIGRCA1800210
Funding Number: NPSNOIGRCA1800210
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
Service Training and Technical Assistance Apply for F18AS00032
Funding Number: F18AS00032
Agency: Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $43,000 |
Lake Powell Evaporation Study Apply for BOR UC 18 N002
Funding Number: BOR UC 18 N002
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Funding Amount: $289,876 |
Notice of Intent: FY2017 Implementation of Management Plan Apply for P17AS00449
Funding Number: P17AS00449
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent |
BLM-(ES), Public Outreac on BLM Islands on Lake Vermilion and Surrounding Lakes Apply for L17AS00169
Funding Number: L17AS00169
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $14,500 |